Dreams From Beyond

Dreams From Beyond is an anthology of Czech speculative fiction freely available in English, edited for Eurocon 2016 (November 4-6, Barcelona). The anthology is free to share for all readers interested in world speculative literature. Showcasing some of the best current Czech SF authors, Dreams From Beyond will take you from the stellar pastures of long-gone mythical creatures through warring future cities and strange alien worlds to the mysteries within ourselves.

Download as a pdf, mobi or epub (note: the mobi and epub files are zipped, simply because WordPress doesn’t allow upload of these formats directly).


List of authors (in the order of appearance): Pavel Renčín, Petra Slováková, Jaroslav Mostecký, Jan Kotouč, Jaroslav Veis, Tomáš Petrásek, Julie Novakova, Vilma Kadlečková, Lucie Lukacovicova, Hanuš Seiner

Edited by Julie Novakova.


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