Publications: Fiction

Fiction bibliography: Works in English


  • coming soon


  • anthology Life Beyond Us (ed. Julie Nováková, Lucas K. Law, Susan Forest)
  • The Form of Things Unknown (in The Digital Aesthete: Human Musings on the Intersection of Art and AI, ed. Alex Shvartsman)
  • Cavern of Dreams (in Rosalind’s Siblings, ed. Bogi Takács)


  • reprint: The Curtain Falls, The Show Must End (in The Rosetta Archive, ed. Alex Shvartsman and Tarryn Thomas)
  • A Flaw in The Works (in The Best World SF, Volume II)


  • Aeronauts of Aura (in Ares Magazine)
  • reprint: The Long Iapetan Night (in The Best Science Fiction of The Year, ed. Neil Clarke)
  • reprint: Second Generation (in Vital: Future of Healthcare, ed. R.M. Ambrose)
  • reprint: Goal Invariance Under Radical Self-Modification (in European Science Fiction #1: Knowing the Neighbours, ed. Francesco Verso)



  • Martian Fever (Analog 11/12 2019)
  • Dreaming Up The Future (Analog 7-8 2019)
  • From So Complex A Beginning (Analog 9-10 2019)
  • anthology: Haka: European Speculative Fiction in Filipino (ed. Julie Nováková and Jaroslav Olša, Jr.; Anvil Publishing, 2019)
  • reprint: The Gift (in Rich Horton’s The Year’s Best Science Fiction & Fantasy 2019)
  • reprint: Becoming (in Strange Constellations)


  • Deep Down in The Cloud (in Clarkesworld 2/2018)
  • The Frankenstein Sonata (in Broad Knowledge)
  • Reset in Peace (in Amazing Stories, winter 2018)
  • All The Smells in The World (Analog 1-2 2019)
  • reprint: The Symphony of Ice and Dust (in The Final Frontier)
  • podcast: Étude for An Extraordinary Mind (in StarShipSofa)
  • translationUnder The Spinodal Curve by Hanuš Seiner (in
  • translation: The Iconoclasma by Hanuš Seiner (in F&SF)


  • The Wagner Trouble (in GigaNotoSaurus 4/2017)
  • To See The Elephant (in Analog 5-6/2017)
  • Étude for An Extraordinary Mind (in Futuristica, Vol. II)
  • translationTerra Nullius by Hanuš Seiner (in Strange Horizons)
  • translationHexagrammaton by Hanuš Seiner (in


  • The Ship Whisperer (in Asimov’s)
  • The Nightside (in Alien Artifacts anthology)
  • Becoming (in Persistent Visions)
  • anthology: Dreams From Beyond (an anthology of Czech SF in English; ed. Julie Novakova)




  • The Symphony of Ice and Dust (in Clarkesworld 10/2013)
  • The Brass City (in Penny Dread Tales Volume 3: In Darkness Clockwork Shine, RuneWright)

Fiction bibliography: Works in Czech


  • Světy za obzorem (“Worlds Beyond The Horizon”, a story collection; published by Brokilon)


  • upcoming: Světy za obzorem (“Worlds Beyond The Horizon”, a story collection; to be published by Brokilon)
  • Opona padá, hra skončila (short story “The Curtain Falls, the Show is Over” in anthology Ve stínu Říše, to be published by Epocha)


  • Nesnáze s Wagnerem (in anthology Bájná stvoření)
  • Étuda pro výjimečnou mysl (in anthology Žena se lvem)
  • Zatanči elegii (in magazine Pevnost 6/2016)


  • Gemini I: The Ring of Awakening (Brokilon)
  • Gemini II: Elysium (Brokilon)
  • Gemini III: The Starshapers (Brokilon)
  • Terra nullius (a transhumanist-themed anthology I’ve edited; Brokilon)
  • The Symphony of Ice and Dust (Czech translation in magazine XB-1: December issue)
  • The Brass City (Czech translation in magazine XB-1: January issue)


  • The Dim City (in The Song of Metal Whales, Konektor XB-1)
  • Chef’s Special (in magazine XB-1)
  • Hopeless, a novel in the “Agent John Francis Kovář” adventure series (Triton)
  • Aeronauts of Aura (in magazine Pevnost)
  • Étude for An Extraordinary Mind (in magazine Vesmir)


  • Two Steps from Paradise (in magazine XB-1)
  • 11 percent (in magazine Lemurie)


  • Adventures of Mr. Finnegan (in Death in The Steamlines, Konektor XB-1)
  • Bodhisattva (in KOČAS 2012, Laser-books)
  • A Mourning Song for The Last Fairy (in magazine Pevnost)
  • Whodunnit (in magazine Lemurie)


  • Never Trust Anything (a novel, MOBA)
  • A Silent Planet (a novel, Epocha)
  • A City Made of Fibers (in magazine Pevnost)
  • A Jade Talisman I (in The Secret Book of Shadowlight, Albatros)
  • A Jade Talisman II (in The Secret Book of Shadowlight, Albatros)
  • Program Ovidius (in KOČAS 2011, Laser-books)
  • Sweet Dreams, Joe (in magazine XB-1)
  • Knock on The Door of Imagination (in magazine XB-1)
  • The Blood Rain (in magazine XB-1)


  • The Clown and The Rose (Cadets of Fantasy, Straky na vrbě)
  • When The First Spring Flowers Bloom (Kill Or Save Your Alien, Mladá Fronta)
  • Atamansi (in magazine Ikarie 10/2010)


  • The Arcadia (in magazine Ikarie 05/2009)
  • The Crime on The Poseidon City (a novel, Triton)
  • Safety Above All (in The Salamander 2009, Nová vlna)
  • The Sign of Fortune (in The Salamander 2009, Nová vlna)
  • The Legend of Whispering Stars (in KOČAS 2009, Laser-books)
  • The Reunion in Verdun (in The Foam of History or Stories That Never Happened, Tribun EU)


  • The May Day’s Night Wish (in Shadows of The Towers, Triton)
  • The Real Estate Dealer (in The Salamander 2008, Nová vlna)


  • The Clash of Stars (in Shadows of The Sea, Triton)


  1. I just subscribed to Clarkesworld, and the first story I read from the first issue I got (#137) was your short story, Deep Down in The Cloud. Just wanted to say that I enjoyed it–it was great!

    1. Thank you, Ben, I’m happy to hear that! I hope you’ve liked the whole issue and that you’ll want to continue reading both the magazine and my stories.

  2. Hi Julie

    Do I take it that all the works mentioned above in the fiction category are written ORIGINALLY in English, unless the word “translation” is specifically mentioned against them?

    So how many published novels originally written in English do you now have?

    And do you know other Czech novelists and poets who are writing originally in English?



    1. Hi Prabhu,
      Thank you for the question! Translation is specifically mentioned in case of another author’s work. In case of my own, most of the stories were written originally in English, but I also translated some from Czech (e.g. Aeronauts of Aura). As to novels, I’ve published seven in Czech, but none so far in English – just approx. 20 short stories/novelettes and many articles. However, I’m working on it, and if all goes well, we might get to see my first novel in English sometime next year :).
      Lucie Lukacovicova and Tom Hadrava have also written some stories in English, and Jan Kotouč is getting his novels translated.
      All the best,


  3. Dear Julie
    Thanks for your response to my earlier question.
    Whenever there are details available of the publication of your novel in English, could I trouble you to let me know?
    I would love to be able to review your novel in one of the media with which I am connected.
    Kind regards and best wishes

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